Monday, October 22, 2012


Lets see where to begin this one...Holden is looking forward to Halloween and has already gone to an event at his library. He is completely unaware of the things that adults keep putting in his bag and is more interested in chewing on wrappers and sticks than the actual good stuff. However, the candy he brought back has been mysteriously disappearing.
I love.....
Holden ringing the Voluntary Withdrawal Bell at the Dive School. The bell was at the old US embassy in Kabul prior to 2001 and was taken back from the Taliban by Green Berets.

Sleep. I know you are all tired of hearing about Holden's sleep but this is the last time I will bring it up, I promise. We, I have anyway, decided that Holden is just a light sleeper and that's that. We may have to pat him back to sleep well into his teens. That is something that we are just going to have to live with.
Holden now plays at the park without eating hand fulls of rocks and instead enjoys moving them into different piles ( I did not say that he wasn't tasting the pebble sized rocks).
This past weekend he let Mommy and Daddy celebrate their third wedding anniversary at a great restaurant on another Key, accessible only by boat. This month also marks the third year we have been in Key West, meaning only one year left! Then its back to the green hills of North Tennessee.
Holden received a care package from Grandma Charlotte full of assorted food oils and also a tambourine that he loves.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Holden has learned how to bring all necessary physical facilities to bear and has started clapping. It is just the faintest clap you have ever heard but he really enjoys it and the clap is always accompanied by a smile. Today during Music Together, after pulling up to stand, he let go of Daddy and stood alone for about four seconds! Through most of this parent and child singing and instrumental group he stares around in wonder. Towards the end he comes alive during the softer songs.

Holden and the goat

Fall Festival Spectre
First cookie ever!
He also learned how to open cupboards and remove dishes, pots and pans. He never stops exploring and cries briefly when he is denied an expedition. This past week he attended the Child Development Center here in the neighborhood while Mommy substituted for a Kindergarten class. The class unfortunately had no children in but about 15 beasts that resembled children, at least that is how it sounded to me. Holden improved his stay every day at the government subsidized facility. While never really submitting to naps, he met new friends and amazed the staff with his diverse and endless appetite, just like Mommy!
Fire truck gauges
 Holden continues to enjoy turning pages of his books by himself and really enjoys the outdoor patio where anywhere is a toilet ;). Finally, he still uses adult toilets, though less frequently and continues to awake at random hours, to much consternation of Daddy who is the primary responder these days. 

Monday, October 1, 2012


   According to the "Attachment Connection", the nine month old will begin to separate strangers from her care givers and react with shyness. This is exactly what Holden did when taken to his first Music Together class, he buried his face in Daddy's chest. Along with this development Holden is saying "Dadadada" which I am going to say means "Daddy". He can do many tricks with his mouth, like motor boat, squeal and babble. He also does well in a running stroller in the early morning light of Key West, throwing things out along the way to make sure Mommy's runs are a little tougher. A real cool thing he does now if he really doesn't want to nap is to throw things out of his crib. His level of tiredness is relative to the amount of items on the floor outside his crib when you go back in (its actually kind of funny).
Can turn pages now
 Holden returned to the park this past week and sat alone playing in the sand watching other children. This was a major development as he is not eating that sand.  Boundaries are the biggest change to Holden's psyche. He has an obsession with our water cooler which has become a teaching tool for Daddy. For example, Daddy just wants to say "No" all day but Mommy tells us that redirecting is best.
Are those my diapers?

Loves those dogs

Two water spouts two days in a row here
The healthy eater

Whats Daddy's number again?

Oh I almost forgot, last night he went 12 hours, or his sleep cycle, with no milk! This may seem weird to some but don't worry Laila wont be on the cover of TIME with a 2 year old Holden if you know what I mean...
Memorial shirts for families of Fallen Servicemen