Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Illusion of a Routine

Hello. Today Grandma Charlotte left, making tomorrow the second day since Holden's birth where it will be the just the three of us. We are lucky to have such a caring and flexible family [I am now doing the Jim Halpert look towards an imaginary camera, think The Office].

Grandma saying goodbye
Holden still resists Daddy's best efforts at a routine in the evenings. Despite the perfect bath water temperature, playing with rubber ducky, a fresh diaper and clothes Holden blows up as the last snap is fastened. So in a way his lamentations are part of the routine, fusing and fighting until he gets mothers milk then a walk with Daddy and he is out. Holden continues to sleep through most of the night, may the gods of Babydom be praised.

Hands crossed like a gentleman
Mommy has started running again and will hopefully compete in another marathon, unless Daddy knocks her up again. Holden's first trip is coming up in May, to a wedding in Connecticut. I dread this operation more than any other in my career. Have a good one.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fat Tuesday

Good morning. Hopefully our readers who reveled in Mardi Gras celebrations were able to make it to Ash Wednesday with an agreeable amount of pride and health. Holden got drunk on Mommy's milk and passed out by 830 almost every day this week. He has decided to start acting like a bigger boy during the nights and sleep for SIX hours for the first stretch and then a couple of two hour naps following that. I admit this doesn't affect me as much as Daddy has been pulling long hours at work. So when Laila told me one evening as I came home, "Holden slept for 12 hours last night!", my dumb ass replied "At ONCE?!".  Well, I am happy that Laila is getting better sleep and more of it.

Granpa Harry and Uncle Matin have been in Key West this week and just left this Saturday morning. They really enjoyed Holden and the adventures Key West has to offer. They went jet-skiing, caught a shark, ate good food and saw plenty of cross-dressers.

Holden continues to wage a war of his hands as he tries to catch the left with the right, get any part of a hand in his mouth or grab toys and shirts with death grips. He loves his evening bath time and using his feet to catch Rubber Ducky. He lets us know he is ready to sleep by screaming like a banshee until we do just the right thing...I still don't know what.

Mommy had a birthday and turned 23. I know she is a little younger than most mothers but she is doing a fantastic job.

Have a good weekend readers.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Key West Nights


Welcome back readers. Forgive my longer than planned sabbatical. Holden has changed so much since the last update and I will try to cover it all.

Soon after Daddy left Aunt Sarah arrived from the West coast and when it was time to leave, Holden had to be pried from her grip, as she was captivated by her nephew. After both of Holden's beautiful aunts left Grandpa Perry came in to help out around the house. Holden quickly identified him as the morning conversationalist and avid walker who would introduce him to many neighbors and snowbirds. Speaking of walking, after more calls to B.O.B. Ironman stroller company, wheel returns and some engineering skills by Perry the stroller is now running true and Laila's right forearm that become a bulging sinewy muscle has gone back down to a normal size as she no longer has to compensate for the pull to the right.
Grandpa Perry and Daddy "tagged out" in the Atlanta airport as Perry headed back to California and Daddy returned to Holden and Mommy. Grandma Charlotte returned soon after Daddy and we are all one big happy "village" again. For those of you wondering, this is Laila's family's first grandchild and our door in Key West has been revolving with cheerful visitors happy to help and hold the young man. I am resisting making any in-law jokes as of now but don't push me....
Grandpa Perry reading to Holden

But I digress, the real reason everyone's here, Holden. I tried to keep up with Holden on Face time during my travels but my WiFi connection was never that great. Almost as if it was planned he began really learning to cry the day Daddy left. A "Waa-Waaaa-Waaa" that almost sounds forced on his part and then the tears come. The crying in my opinion usually indicates a disapproval with the status quo and the recommendation that the scene around him change for the better, immediately. If that sounds vague it's because sometimes I have no $^#&ing idea why he cries.

Absolutely loves baths
Man, can this kid talk. Well its not exactly talking but he crows coos and belts out a cacophony of vowels. He is encouraged by the listener mimicking him and enjoys the conversation. He is also in a routine of baths every night and has developed surprisingly coordinated abilities in his legs. Holden has not rolled over yet although Daddy tries daily.  However, guess what he can do! He..slept...for...5 hours last night! Daddy has been waking up early all week so only gets to see Holden in the evenings. So today Daddy woke up Holden just a bit earlier than he should have to play with him. This went well at first but has made for a mid-morning grump that had to be handed off to Mommy so Daddy could write the blog. I know, I'm bad.

Mommy and Daddy have been able to go on a couple of date nights this last week thanks to Grandma Charlotte and have really enjoyed it. Hope to keep this going so tell your friends were back online. Take care!