A bit of social commentary. The alarming use of observed cell phone activity by mommies and nannies at parks has motivated Mommy and Daddy to limit their use. If your child observes you staring at a device all day, what does the child learn? I was just as guilty of it until Mommy pointed out that Holden will question his value compared to the iPhone 5. I guess in the big picture the parent has had their time to text, talk and browse so why not edify the new mind with books, discovery and learning. That is the plan anyway.
Touches the helicopter and says, "Daddy" over and over. |
Holden exhausted after maneuvering through spring breakers on budgets in Publix. |
Genteel Holden gave up his throne to his lady friend, Corinne. |
Some sort of baby communication happening here. |
Teamwork. Looking for a ball. |
Holden's friend Alexi putting on a scooter clinic |
Yesterday was the Preschool Co-op Spring Fair complete with rides, petting zoos, Easter Egg hunts and crafts. The weather was perfect and almost every one of Holden's friends were present. There was just one thing amiss, Holden was imitating a colicky infant due to a rough night of sleep. So there will be no pictures form this event as it was cancelled by a helpless Mommy and Daddy.
As I type this Mommy is giving Holden his customary evening bath. She is explaining daylight savings time to him and how he may be confused because of how bright his room will seem at bedtime. Lately, since being weaned he wakes less often and self soothes. We rarely have to go in now. However, thanks to the US government issued cottage bungalow we still hear every cry, whimper and cough as if he is in the room. In case you guys have not noticed Holden C is, BLONDE. If he didn't look so much like Daddy I would suggest an Icelandic milk man had seduced Mommy.
Holden did well again at music class, running around the room more than any other kid. I say this is good because the first semester he would rarely leave my lap. Holden had to buy new pajamas because his current ones couldn't cover his enormous belly as he walked around. Holden likes going for evening walks and is still the community custodian, identifying all trash by announcing, "guck!' and then throwing the guck away.
We still do our part to limit our environmental footprint and use cloth diapers but I feel like Mommy should get an award. Holden waits to take his constitutionals when he wakes up in his crib. This makes it difficult to sit him on the potty and encourage a proper passage. This means that most of the messier...messes are dealt with on cloth. Well, I guess you get the picture I am just saying that being a Mommy is hard. So here's to all the Mommies!
A newly forward facing Holden. Seems unimpressed with traffic. |
I will leave you with an amazing story of communication. Holden and Mommy were reading on the couch and he eloquently asked for what I think is his last request for breast milk. The genius, touches Mommy's chest, then signals the following, "MehMeh" "Eat" "More". He has not breast fed in weeks! Daddy for the record has never seen the sign for "MehMeh" or breast milk.

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