Da Bear |
Christmas Pary - Holden passed out from the excitement |
Mother-Boy Dance (Buster and Lucille) |
Smash Face |
Merry Christmas,
Holden got to open presents early today and was stoked to get many books, a Wolfgang Puck Cook set and a Canon Rebel T3i! He has had little time to enjoy his gifts as he has been very fussy all day. This morning we said good-bye to Grandma Charlotte, so this may be the reason. We may have identified an emotional flow of ups and downs related to major bowl movements and post-feeding burping. Regardless, he was out for most of the late afternoon during a 2.5 mile walk in his new B.O.B Ironman stroller (courtesy of Santa) and while Mommy baked for tomorrow's soiree. His displeasure can be seen pictured above. If he is very fussy Daddy will pick him up and carry him out of the house to look at all the lights, this usually calms him down for a bit. His dexterity is improving as well and he also continues to do about 100 emotionally different faces a minute....one has to practice.
We wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Laila better not turn into Lucille!! And Nathan I just can't beleive your child would ever be a Buster. Well maybe, Buster does join the Army