Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Ive Made a Huge Mistake"

Ive got a new slogan for cigarette package warning labels - "As addictive as pacifiers".  Well, Holden took to sucking on a pacifier like a duck to water. The writhing and noises that happen after an accidental drop however are most disturbing. He does not go into these antics having lost the real thing but with the pacifier its a big deal. Of course he cant pick it up, so one of us have to be there. Well, as a recent president said, "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." What he was trying to say is that we are only going so far with this anti-pacify device. We always encourage a thumb but sometimes that just wont do. We may see the pacifier go away as quickly as it has come but stay tuned for more on that. Oh and one more thing, anyone saying "I told you so"...well - "They misunderestimated me" (W).

Here comes a surprise!

Not staged! He actually requested it.

Gran Gran left yesterday and Laila and I are back to foraging for food. We still try to exercise everyday and take Holden out as much as possible. It is shaping up to be a crazy New Year's party. I am sure we will be awake at midnight but it wont be for the same reason as our readers.

Reading with Daddy
Holden is balding on the front of his head, don't laugh! Most likely a combination of baby hair falling out and rubbing his head when rooting. You can see it in some of the pictures but if you want to remember what a specimen he can be, then look back a couple of posts. He is going to kill me in 15 years when he reads this. Well, that's all for 2011. Take care and God bless.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Major Developments

I am writing this blog with little sleep and less motivation but I don't want to let down our readers. Griffins don't quit; Holden in fact never quits moving. At night, during play, during feeding and especially during diaper changes. He is able to lock both legs out during diaper changes and prevent any type of wiping or changing.

Holden as of like yesterday learned how to control his head position for seconds at a time. Normally he will rest his head on a shoulder or chest and then start headbanging side to side. It is simultaneously scary and funny to watch but this new development makes us proud. I keep thinking of him as a genius and that he is a grown up trapped in an infants body like Look Who's Talking. Then I remember he has to be a kindergartner and so on and so forth. He will get easily frustrated when he plays or attempts to crawl. I am told this is normal and how they learn, little bits at a time. Thank God I live with a child development major or I wouldn't know what the hell is going on.
Newly developed head control
Today we bought a pacifier and no I am not talking about the sweet Vin Diesel family action movie of 2008. Any hippies out there that have a problem with that can come over for night duty. He is almost four weeks old and has learned how to nurse properly. Also milk production levels are at an all time high I am even eating my cereal with it. There is also the black market. Back to the pacifier. In Latin it means to pacify according to a website I just researched. These sweet babies are BPA free symmetrical in shape and used by hospitals nationwide. So here is a picture of Holden trying to figure it out. It is not moms nipple and not dad's pinky finger. We will make sure to restrict use to moderate levels. Mommy is still skeptical...
Grandma Griffin aka "Gran Gran" is here from Atlanta and Holden is pleased to have another face to look at besides mommy and daddy. We have also enjoyed her famous cooking. She leaves tomorrow and tonight Holden will go on his first night outing.

Dreaming of Archery


Monday, December 26, 2011

The Next Day

How quickly the gifts fade with family and the divine remaining. Okay, that's my profound thought for the week.

Let me tell those who don't know that Christmas Day after a restless night of child caring is hard to get excited about. However, we pulled up our pants, adjusted our skirts, poured some coffee and coddled Holden to get him to stop crying just long enough to open a few presents. Holden received many books and a BOB Ironman stroller for high speed walks pictured below which is compatible with the Chico car seat. FYI they don't come out of the box running true so Daddy is making adjustments....Dad got an IPad though! I know I know "just when I thought I was out they pulled me back in". I had switched to Android technology but the pad is pretty sweet. The reason I bring it up is anyone wishing to have "face time" with Holden need merely call my Ipad (email address). I need to re-activate the Skype as well.

First Shorts.

 Is it bad if your mother in law gets you cleaning items for Christmas? Well when life hands you tacky dusting wear.....
No shame
Holden can change the color of his poo to green at will and still demands 2hr 30min feeding patterns. He is growing large at a rapid pace and his eye color is still up in the air. Holden had some guests over yesterday and slept through the entire event. He does most of his sleeping in the late afternoon so he can recover from late night party sessions with Mommy. He is at his worst just prior to major bodily functions but calms down soon after.

My observant wife pointed out a couple of errors on my part in earlier blogs. Please forgive my spelling errors and what I meant to say was we temporarily switched to RE-usable diapers but find they leak a little easier and they don't pull moisture away like the disposables. He wore three today though so we are doing a bit of both.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Da Bear

Christmas Pary - Holden passed out from the excitement

Mother-Boy Dance (Buster and Lucille)

Smash Face

Merry Christmas,

   Holden got to open presents early today and was stoked to get many books, a Wolfgang Puck Cook set and a Canon Rebel T3i! He has had little time to enjoy his gifts as he has been very fussy all day. This morning we said good-bye to Grandma Charlotte, so this may be the reason. We may have identified an emotional flow of ups and downs related to major bowl movements and post-feeding burping. Regardless, he was out for most of the late afternoon during a  2.5 mile walk in his new B.O.B Ironman stroller (courtesy of Santa) and while Mommy baked for tomorrow's soiree. His displeasure can be seen pictured above. If he is very fussy Daddy will pick him up and carry him out of the house to look at all the lights, this usually calms him down for a bit. His dexterity is improving as well and he also continues to do about 100 emotionally different faces a has to practice.

We wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Three Weeks Young

Good morning,

Fresh digs from Aunt Jane
      For those of us still with us we apologize for the recent account requirement update. I was able to see the blog viewings by country and realized we don't have any family in Russia. Russia also being an epicenter for cyber crime I decided to do the blog only by invite. If I have left out anyone let me know....

   At this writing Holden has just shat on Grandmas leg (1150 eastern). A little back story here. Grandma Charlotte believes that diapers are the Devil and anytime she is his primary care giver we can expect Holden to have a small cloth on his business end sans diaper. Don't get me wrong, I don't love diapers, what with rash, sweating, etc. However, I do respect the "loaded gun" aspect of it and treat it accordingly. Charlotte is now saying she didn't think "he had any doo-doo left" and that's why she was holding him.

Holden has taken showers this week and enjoys it. Mommy has switched to reusable diapers this week also (a little early in daddy's opinion as they are ginormous).
Found a thumb - a rare occurrence
Grandma Charlotte insisted this be posted
Snowbird friends of ours

He does do something that isn't totally cute however. At night he makes a lot of noise. Not crying but just like a whimper/hicup/yawn type thing that continues until he falls into deep sleep. We have a few theories on this; That he doesn't care for the total darkness, the total quiet, and/or no touch.

His favorite pastime is still staring at colored toys or batting his dangling toy caterpillar. When he is alert he is a joy to be around and is constantly trying to talk. His eye color is also still unknown and many people think he has the longest arms they have seen. He has many gifts under the tree and two stockings. Mommy and Daddy are hosting an open house Christmas Day so that should be fun, called Cookies and Cocktails.

Happy Holidays and we will see some of you soon! Look for video of Holden soon....

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


We are now in contractual negotiations with Johnson and Johnson for Holden to be the new face of infant products.

Just kidding, he is just ridiculously good looking for free.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Blue Steel

Good Morning,

Daddy watching Denver vs Patriots with Holden

Such a hipster

Not liking this book

Aforementioned diapers not pictured
       Yesterday we had a parent of one of Laila's students from last year come and take photos. She was really great and brought a mutual friend to help out. Holden was semi-cooperative, demanding feedings between scenes and frequent bowel movements kept the parents busy. Mommy and Daddy had their first fight yesterday and it was about diapers. Luvs makes a great pair with animals (monkeys,dogs) on the front to assist recreational users like myself. These diapers go to the ten pound mark. Well, Holden is pushing high nine so Mommy got a different brand. This new brand has leakage issues. Well of course we went back and forth and shared our opinions with mutual respect for each other as all good couples do and decided to go back to the store and spend a little more to get the Luvs.
Sun time is Fun time
     Today is really windy and cool so Mommy and Charlotte are going for a long walk in beautiful downtown Key West. Daddy felt inspired by the photo shoot yesterday and tried his hand at working with the famous model, Holden. It should be mentioned that all photos in this blog are taken with Canon's Rebel T3i, a very nice camera; which has been temporarily donated to us by the in-laws from Davis, Ca. We enjoy its capabilities so much we have asked Santa for one as well.

     Grandma Charlotte is here until Christmas eve and then Holden will meet Grandma Amanda aka "Gran Gran" on the 27th from Daddy's side. 

  Holden continues to mature and responds to the routine we try to maintain. His ocular focus is growing in distance and he likes to wrestle with daddy...Well, he is probably rooting but I like to think he is going for the TAP OUT!

  At this writing a rocking chair has just arrived from the North Pole and Mommy is going to be happy when she gets home, if Daddy can put it together in time.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cyrus the Great

He now weighs 9lbs 8oz

Good day and happy holidays to our readers and fans. Speaking of fans, fan mail has been pouring in and showering young Holden with gifts. He currently has more money and clothes than daddy. What took me thirty years has taken him two weeks. Yep two weeks! Holden is now 15 days old and it feels like 50. Mommy and Daddy went to a Christmas party at Waldorf Astoria's Casa Marina last night hosted by Nathan's work. Mommy was able to pour herself into a great dress without spilling any and so soon after birth(!). Grandma was a trooper and looked out for Holden as Daddy "cut the rug" and had a gin martini. Holden still likes to bat at his toy caterpillar and other hanging toys he also looks in a mirror and wonders why he doesn't remember a twin in the womb. Daddy is on vacation now and will be until January when he has to go to Arizona for a few weeks to train. We are expecting many visitors from across the country and excitedly await their arrival. 

Met some ladies
Mimosas for Mommies Soiree