Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Holden developed a peculiar ability while in California that was not fun to deal with on the way home. He can now squeal at a pitch so uncomfortable that ones face will naturally cringe when he does. As previously mentioned in the last blog he is in a definite sharing phase. Choosing at random when to give you his ball, food and pebbles from the playground. Maybe he enjoys the exaggerated "THANK YOU" he gets or he's a giver like his Mommy.

Despite Mommy and Daddy's effort to curb the use of the word "NO" ad naseum we still find ourselves using it more than we would like. Invariably Holden has learned the word and will shake his head "NO" whenever he thinks he is doing something wrong or we are!
He is doing okay with no night feeding. The first night was brutal, in his defense it was fresh on the heels of return from Pacific time. As seen below Holden started using a big boy cup and took to it nicely.

I will leave you with one final chuckle, Mommy found three rocks in his diaper the other day. We have to assume they were cached as part of a grander scheme, the purpose of which is still unclear to me.

Happy Birthday big guy. I don't know where this blessing of a baby went but we like the one year old crawling around just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Daddy, great photos--but where's the party hats?! GA Margaret
