Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Prince Harry

I am not sure there is a way to cover all that has happened or if anyone would actually read all of it. In the last three months Holden has traveled with Mommy to New Orleans, Sacramento and Nashville with plenty happening during that time. We will jump start to today.
A second life was brought forth by Mommy after 39 weeks of gestation and we will call him Harrison Randolph Griffin. Harrison is a tribute to Holden's 3rd great uncle (thanks to ancestry.com and Papa John's research) and to the French L'Herisson's of south Louisiana that eventually married a Griffin. Also, Holden's Papa Harry was a big influence and maybe it doesn't hurt that our favorite actor and prince of England also share the name.
Harrison was born in much the same way Holden was; augmented with the intense hormone Pitocin. This time mommy was very efficient at the push stage and Harrison was brought out nicely. Daddy cut the cord and with it the ties to the easy life of one child. Sleep levels have dropped off to the bare minimum and every now and then I get up to see what's going on.

Last date night for a while....

Holden showing solidarity with Mommy as she preps for labor

Brownies for Holden for Harrison's birthday


These kids love watermelon

Holden reading to his brother


Holden is adjusting and we will leave it at that! But seriously Holden is sweet on his little brother and doesn't mind the crying. Of course like all of us he could use a little extra attention. This attention part bears repeating; this is really all our child wants at this stage so if there is poor behavior being exhibited, then, perhaps more attention?
Speaking of the eldest he is sharp as a tack. He will ask what things are. He will tell you where things need to go or what needs to be shut. He will request food, diaper change (potty training happening now-ish), water, music (either acapella by parent or MP3). He will tell you when a truck, jeep, motorcycle or airplane goes by. Also, you cannot read Holden enough books.
Mommy is tired but is doing outstanding and Grandma Charlotte is returning to Key West to help with the upcoming move. Mommy found a great cottage in Tennessee that was built in 1938, something Mommy never wanted when she played the board game Life (the cottage). We will move in by November 1st.
Maplemere Cottage aka Casa de Griffin

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