I love babies! |
This September, god willing, Holden will be a big brother! Yes it is a long way off but we are hopeful and excited. Daddy wonders how another baby could be as great as Holden but anything is possible, right? Mommy is glowing and fine. She craves mashed potatoes and loves naps. When not taking care of Holden and house she looks for names. I am thinking, Holden II. Any suggestions?

We are pretty bummed that the last doctor no longer practices, Holden was one of her last deliveries. We are considering asking Ina May Gaskin since I think most of the doctors in Key West were trained in veterinary school. I would like to submit a diatribe on our current doctor since he may not read this. The man has zero bed side manner and talks to Mommy like she is a dumb-dumb. Mommy asked about skipping all ultra sounds except the 20 week and he starts off saying how that is not a good idea and we need to know things, etc. Well, this puts him on a soap box for about 15 minutes talking to us like we are 13. At the end he says he guesses we could skip all those but then he wont get insurance for his fancy new 3D ultrasound! Well he didn't say that exactly but dealing with these guys makes me wish for a different time.

Holden has been showing signs of being a lefty which in our culture means he is.....I don't know, creative? I tell you what is not creative, waking up at 3 am crying and when Daddy picks him up he goes from upset to furious. Furious at being awake is my only guess but we are still learning here. I have learned that I think we can handle this multiplied by two.
Holden loves to say "moon" and can spot it day or night. He is a wiz with the garden hose and loves to throw away trash. He will ask for a napkin and mock dab his dirty face while eating and then request to throw it away. Today while reading with Daddy, Holden was asked if he wanted to go for a walk. He got up immediately and speed waddled to the door and stood there like a dog. Well I asked him where his shoes were and he started looking for them. Once he had his Velcro Merrells on we went on a "walkabout". He walked around pointing out dogs and airplanes. Holden even helped Daddy take the recycling and trash out. After doing this Holden found a piece of grass in the street and declared it "ICK!" which meant it must be thrown away. He then walked about 20 meters, all the way to the recycling and put it in.
Saw this phone and asked to call "Dada" with his hand to his face |
No more staying still for photos unless he is eating |
Mommy said he read by himself for the longest yet today |
Holden went to a birthday party a week ago for his friend Blaine, the one with the toy Cadillac Escalade. At the party while sitting on Daddy's lap a dog came up and licked Daddy's pant leg leaving much drool. Well Holden picked up a napkin from the table and took care of it. What a guy!
Holden kind of liked the dog, the bounce house and other kids. What he really liked was eating popcorn while sitting in a chair and watching it all. Today he went to play with his old pal, Corinne. They played well together; playing hide and seek and shared sip cups.
Holden being sociable at the party. Mommy said he sat in that chair for an HOUR! |
This is how Holden eats sandwiches. Pulls apart the bread and licks off the good stuff |
Sorry for the photos lately, we have been using our phones and leaving the Canon Rebel behind.
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