Here are some pictures from the last week. Tomorrow the family drives 3.5 hours to Miami. This will be abnormal for Holden and we hope he will be peaceful and do some light reading during the long car ride. Holden slept for a very long time last night after two nights of Daddy trying to be the primary caregiver and failing. He would be consoled but in another ten minutes he would be crying again. Well, the battle continues and a sympathetic Aunt Margaret sent us a recent study that shows no negative signs due to sleeping too much or too little (based on 326 children). In conclusion, "behavioral sleep techniques have no marked long-lasting effects
(positive or negative)." We have introduced a water sip cup in the crib to satiate his thirst desires although the negative may be bed wetting due to mass water consumption.
Holden inventorying TS Isaac supplies |
Fly boys |
Mommy and Holden at the newly built "kids only" park |
"The Giving Tree" |
Holden is currently in a video teleconference with his usual California audience, Grandad Perry and Gramma Charlotte. Grand Dude John has also gotten in on Facetime recently. Holden enjoys showing off how much food he can fit in his mouth and standing up when on camera. His current diet is still mainly fruit and veggies. He has enjoyed a few new foods recently including, garlic, hummus, eggs, yogurt, black beans and coconut shrimp (just kidding, kind of :/). His new thing, while eating, is to extended both food covered hands over his head and paste his hair up as if styling with mousse (do people still use mousse?). So, we love that.....
P.S. He has a third tooth that has joined the other two on the bottom.
If Holden is anything like his mother he will want to drink A LOT of water in the middle of the night. Just make sure he doesn't puke it up on the floor... :)