Hold the phone! Holden jumped to one nap a day. He said (in so many actions) that he was ready to be a big boy and take it to one a day. Well, that lasted for only a few days, every day Mommy pushed his first nap a little later to help him adjust. Well he finally gave her the sleep sign after he had enough of that. Open palm to the cheek, at 9am let Mommy know he wasn't ready to do one-a-days. This boy is responsible.
Holden reacting to his first birthday cake |
He reminds me of his parents, in bed by 8 after an early bird special and up by 5am. Holden is obsessed with phones and when he sees one will put his palm to his cheek and say "Dada?" over and over. If you give him a phone he hands it back to you to call someone. He tries to make phone calls with harmonicas, blocks and his hand. It is pretty sweet.
Fresh Veggies from CSA |
Holden has started eating new vegetables and foods thanks to the weekly Community Supported Agriculture box. New foods like, dandelion greens, Swiss chard, radishes, cucumbers and eggs seem to taste better when they come from the box.
The weather is warm down here and Holden still goes to the park at least once a day to climb and play with other children. The weekly Music Together program is off until the new year and Mommy makes regular trips to the library to lead babies in song and story. Although Holden is quickly becoming the elder child a responsibility he assumes with gusto; demonstrated by his clapping and bouncing during the song portion.
Miss Zhaleh visited from Washington State |
Liked unwrapping his presents more than presents |
Farmer Holden got a tractor from Miss Tina |
Mom playing Jenga with Holden watching |
When Holden turned one we let him go out with a friend |
This may have been Holden's most favorite thing he has ever done. |
Mommy said she had never seen him so focused |
We got a tree! |
"I can help!" |
A Christmas card from Holden's friend Corinne. He recognizes her and touches the card...like a lot. |
Holden went to the Waldorf Astoria's Casa Marina here in town this past weekend as Mommy and Daddy went to a retreat. He enjoyed the pool area and fruit selection. He did not, as we did not, enjoy sharing a room with Mommy and Daddy as he could stand in his crib and see us laying in bed still as snipers. Soooo, you know you live and you learn. We want to expose him to different environments but we have created a monster in the fact that conditions must be absolutely favorable in order for him to fall asleep.
Mommy is good with Instagram |
If you remember last retreat Mommy and the child care staff had some "miscommunications" to put it lightly. This time was better and Holden seemed to be one of the more resilient children when Daddy picked him up. Meaning, he likes to eat so much that while other kids are lamenting their parents departure or absence, Holden is too busy eating Cheerios.
Happy Holidays.